The Hazel Tree

 Hazel Tree

Latin name: Corylus avellana

Celtic name: Coll (pronounced: Cull).

Coll means "life force within you".

The nuts of all hazels are edible.

Hazel's ability to produce multiple stems gives it a dense, spreading appearance and has led to its extensive use for coppicing. It is a short-lived tree, reaching 50-70 years in age, but if it is coppiced it will live much longer.

 Because of its growth as a densely-branched understorey component in forests, hazel plays a significant role in increasing the vertical structure within woodland, which is important for bird diversity. Hazel leaves are eaten by roe deer  and red deer.  The nuts, which are rich in fats and protein, are eaten by the wood mouse and the red squirrel. Squirrels split the shell of the nut in two halves to get the kernel inside, whereas wood mice will gnaw a hole through the shell.


Hazel can be used as a drainage remedy and can help restore elasticity to the lungs. Hazelnuts can be eaten and are a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, protein and fatty acids. The nuts can be powdered and be mixed with mead or honeyed water to help a cough.



Hazel leaves